Terrence Malick’s modern films are each, in their own delivery, masterpieces. Critically acclaimed, but most audiences haven’t seemed to connect with them. Song to Song: a film about music, touches on the human condition in a big way, specifically on love and relationships. The soundtrack is wide, all encompassing of genre, and one of the film’s best selling features.
Take a look. See anything you like?

Iggy Pop, Lykke Li, Die Antwoord: these aren’t your typical Malickian musicians.
Song to Song grows on me every time I watch it. Courtney and I watched the trailer when it was first released in 2017 and were both equally excited to watch it. Personally, I am unabashedly fond of Terrence Malick films, so in my eyes he can do no wrong.
Those familiar with Terrence Malick will recognize that this film takes place entirely in the mid-10s when it was shot. We’re used to older eras featured in his movies. I appreciate that he is bringing his stories forward in time and welcome the generous use of shots using a wide angle lens. Shooting this way gives the film an otherworldly look, maybe a conscious choice given the modern setting.
Since the movie didn’t get a wide release here in our part of Canada, we finally got the opportunity to watch it in the middle of spring when it had a one week showing at our local independent theatre, the Metro Cinema. The theatre is dated and small, but the experience watching movies there is better than the multiplexes. To be honest, you don’t need the best audio, the best picture, the most comfortable seats, and the overpriced candies just to enjoy a movie. Escapism. That’s all you need. If the movie’s good, you can sink into it. Allow your surroundings to disappear and just put yourself into the picture.

While Michael Fassbender, Natalie Portman, and Cate Blanchett all feature in the film – and their respective performances and characters are equally excellent, diverse, and provocative – the heart of the story is the relationship of B.V. and Faye, played by Ryan Gosling and Rooney Mara.
Love. It’s a theme in nearly all of Terrence Malick’s films. It’s recognized in various ways throughout his cinematic body of work, but nowhere near how raw and realistic felt between these two alluring humans. One might pine and ache that they wind up together and the story wouldn’t feel right if they didn’t.